Sunday, April 22, 2012

A $35 Computer anyone?

I just discovered Raspberry Pi, a tiny one board computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. The computer cost a startling $35!

According to the the Rasberry Pi:

"The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming."

This product is so hot that the first batch of availability was sold out in just one day. Back order will take as much as 2-3 months. I just ordered mine and I won't get it till July. 

Oh and of course it runs Linux! I can just imagine how the Open Source Community will take this little Gizmo to the max. For me am thinking one RaspBerry Pi per kids.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Home Alone

My 2 Kids are back to college, spring break is over. Nadire though has another week to burn and she's spending her last free week in L.A.

I just did a prank on one of my tech co-worker by sending an email/text that some of our servers are experiencing BSD after he did a patch. After a few emails/text back and forth i finally told him I was just messing up with him. Poor guy had a huge panic attack. Did i mention he just join our team 3 months ago?

After the excitement and being home alone  I feel like taking off the old record off the shelf (Nadire warned me not to do this). or maybe just trash the place like this.

Happy 1st!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Jessica who?

Last week as I was driving Nadire to school, she suddenly asked me if I know Jessica. I was a bit startled (I was half awake as it was early in the morning). "Jessica who?", I asked.

"Jessica Sanchez, the Filipino finalist from American Idol, she said". I turned to her and asked sleepily, "did you ever see me watched American Idol?". "No!", she answered back. "Then I don't know her", I answered.

"well am just asking because she's from here (Chula Vista) and she's the cousin of my classmate", she said smiling. I looked at her in disbelief.

That night I decided to look her up as I was curious. There was a couple of videos of her but I picked the video with her singing "I will always love you" (check out the ending!). This girl really hit every notes.

Well what do you know, a star in our own "back yard". Too bad she listed her hometown as San Diego CA. Jessica should be proud of her hometown. After all it's a great place to live...

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Aemes at 17

Today marks Veronica Aemes Nicolle Bringas' 17th death anniversary. I am reviving my blog to keep her alive in this world.

I miss you Aemes...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Plain Donuts

Today is the start of a long and complex system testing for our next major upgrade. The upgrade is an important component to make our system MU (Meaningful Use) Compliant.

It is so critical that I was asked not to leave for the Philippines this April to support the technical side of things.  My only consolation, unlimited supply of plain donuts.