Yesterday, I blogged about how to recover your windows login password.
Now, what if you have a failed windows installation. Meaning your computer won't start up properly. You get confronted with the dreaded BSD (Blue Screen of Death) or windows won't just load. Chances are, your ultimate solution is to reformat your hard drive and reinstall windows.
But wait, what about your files? your photo and video collections from your fabulous vacations. If you have been backing up your data, you're in luck. But what if you don't?
Enter Knoppix or systemrescuecd. These nifty tools are both linux based systems designed to boot from your CD and be able to access any hard drive in your system. Make sure you have a usb flashdrive handy to transfer data from your hard drive. I've used these system countless times and it never fail.
Bottom line though, I suggest you always have a backup of your data. USB flash drives or external hard drives is so cheap nowadays. It won't hurt to have one handy just in case.
Never mind the software, then can be re-installed, but your data can never be recreated.
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